Reviews about Dr. DERM

  • Stefanie
    I have had psoriasis since I was a child, probably genetic, my mother has the same problem. I tried everything I could - ointment, cream, salt process. I found my salvation in Dr. DERM did not believe this miracle for a long time. Three weeks later, a noticeable effect appeared, the pimples lightened, the skin was more moist. A month later, everything is gone!
    Dr. DERM
  • Roland
    In his youth, he suffered from psoriasis due to severe stress. Doctors diagnose psoriasis and prescribe hormonal ointments, creams, pills, and even injections. Nothing helps, only cold water relieves itching for a short time. Dermatologist prescribed for me dr. strict skin and diet. After 4 months I forgot the problem, I got back to my normal life.
    Dr. DERM
  • Urs
    Having psoriasis since childhood, tried many drugs but to no avail. On the advice of a colleague, I bought Dr. SKIN. I was skeptical at first, but when I tried it out, I was impressed. Itching and plaque disappear. A month later I forgot about this disease. It has been 2 years since then, during the past the disease has never reminded itself. I recommend!
    Dr. DERM
  • Sandra
    In addition to cosmetic problems, psoriasis also causes a moral breakdown. Everyone unintentionally noticed the red patch in their hands. Poor quality of life made me increasingly search for new drugs that really help cure illness. Tried everything, resolved on dr. Dermis, because already after the third application, I feel an improvement.
    Dr. DERM
  • Andrea
    She suffered from psoriasis for ten years due to poor nutrition. Even in the early stages of the disease, I went to a dermatologist who prescribed hormonal preparations for me. I started using them and regretted - they help, but they're addictive. I bought Dr. DERM and to my surprise, this cream saved me. Three weeks later, the hand took on a human form.
    Dr. DERM
User rating Dr. DERM